Website Hosting

Smart Email hosting

Be smart when hosting your email

You may currently or later decide to host your own email in house on Microsoft Exchange or some other system. However, with the additional features and convenience of hosting your own email comes a number of issues with which to contend such as email viruses, spam and redundancy. With our new “Smart” Email Hosting service, our servers will receive your email first, scan it for viruses, eliminate up to 90% of incoming spam and act as a backup server holding your email in case your email server has crashed or is down for maintenance.

Solutions include:

  • Automatic scanning for viruses prevents negative effects on your network operations and reduces potential infected system downtime
  • Eliminate up to 90% of incoming email spam effectively saving you time sifting through garbage
  • Acts as a backup which holds your email in case your email server crashes or is down for maintenance reducing the chance for lost email
  • Reduces the bandwidth load coming into your network since less email actually hits your servers