How do I add a forum to my website?
How to add a forum to your Website
1. Create a BannerBeat Forum
- Click the Grips menu in the top navigation and choose BannerBeat.
- From the BannerBeat Dashboard, in the top navigation select Forums > Add Forum.
Forums are created here and it’s define who can Read and Write to them. BannerRoster is required if you want to limit forums to members only.
2. Add New Forum Categories
- Click the Grips menu in the top navigation and choose BannerBeat.
- From the BannerBeat Dashboard, in the top navigation select Forums > Manage Forums Categories.
At least one category will need to be created which lives under the forum.
3. Add Dynamic Content Markers
You will then need to place a forum marker on either an existing BannerOS page or a new one.
While adding or editing a content region choose Insert Dynamic Content -> BannerBeat -> BannerBeat Forum Listing
From the popup, choose the forums you want displayed, sort by choice, sort by direction, number of entries per page and whether to show or hide page navigation.
Save changes and view your page and your forum will be displayed and front end visitors will be able to post topics under your category and view existing topics and respond to them.