Little Lauren Overman asks, "Does a Smartphone make Marketing Easier?"
Recently, I put it out there to our Facebook Fans, "What would you like to see as a topic in our next BV Buzz?" Well, our own Lauren Overman asked about smartphones & marketing, so I'd like to provide an answer.

Power of the 9-9-9 Branding Plan | Traditional Marketing Isn't Dead Yet
It's timely and ingenious combined marketing efforts that lead to success whether in politics or business.

Where Are You Going?
One may need to work a lot harder to achieve the same results as another, but if you stay focussed on where you're going, you have a much better chance on eventually getting there.

What Sustains a Competitive Edge?
There’s an army of books written on the subject of how a business should sustain its competitive edge. But I can’t help but jump in on the dialogue in light of the fact that Lowe’s just announced closing 20 stores and The Gap is closing 200 of its 889 stores. 889 stores!

"A recent study found that social media will become a higher percentage of total digital marketing spend in the next three years. In 2011, 67% of respondents reported that social media made up less than 5% of their total digital spend. But when asked about how things would look in three years, 32% predicted social media will be between 5% and 10% of digital marketing spending and 27% predict it will be 10% to 20%. An additional 28% of respondents think social media will make up more than 20% of their digital marketing spend by that time." - Booz & Co. and Buddy Media

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Our Schedule for the Rest of the Year...
SEO & Social Media 102 - SOLD OUT
Website Functionality 102 - Nov. 9
Cloud Computing 102 - Dec. 7
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